本名:舘岡奈智子(たておか なちこ



高校卒業後、モデル事務所に所属していた時に、発表する予定もなく書き溜めていた曲が人づてに評判となり、スカウトされて1980年4月にEPIC SONYよりアルバム『薬屋の娘』(アルバムタイトルは実家が薬局を営んでいたことに由来する)でメジャーデビューするEPIC SONYの女性アーティスト第一号であった)。楽曲はジャンルにとらわれず、芥川龍之介の小説や手塚治虫の漫画をモチーフにするなど独自の世界観を持つものだったが、3枚のアルバムと2枚のシングルを残し、1982年に音楽活動を停止。以降は心理カウンセラーとしての活動やCMソングの作曲などを手掛ける。

東日本大震災が契機となり、2013年10月にアルバム『Warming up』で31年ぶりに音楽活動を再開。以降、マイペースで音楽活動を続ける。現在は沖縄在住。


1980年代 自宅のスタジオで作業中

1980年代 大野克夫さんと


2013.10 復帰ライヴ



Nachiko Tateoka was born on September 17, 1958 in Tokyo, Japan. 

  She started playing the piano at the age of 3. When she was in the first grade of elementary school, her teacher made her sing a song as punishment for her forgetting something, which was the first time she had improvised her original song. After that, she began to compose songs and instrumental piano music. When she was a bookish teenager, she listened to hard rock, progressive rock, and so on over radio and became interested in other types of music genres besides classical music. She practiced the piano in order to enroll college of music, her parents, however, objected and did not allow her to do so.

  After graduating from high school, when she belonged to a model agency, her songs, which she did not intend to release, became popular by word of mouth. Then the first album, “Kusuriya No Musume”, which means “The Daughter of a Pharmacist” ― she was actually so ― , was released on April, 1980 by EPIC SONY. That was the first time EPIC SONY had released an album by a female singer. Her music was unique and she has her very own worldview. She expressed the worlds of novels by Ryunosuke Akutagawa, manga by Tezuka Osamu, and so on through music. She released three album CDs and two single CDs, and suspended her activities in 1982. Then she worked as psychological counselor and wrote some songs of TV commercials.

  The 2011 earthquake off the Pacific coast of Tōhoku had her re-start her music career for the first time in 31 years and released an album, “Warming up” on October, 2013. She has been composing songs at her own pace. She lives in Okinawa now.